GoodLife Kids Foundation
Available for grants up to $10,000 although additional funds are considered from time to time.
NEW this funding cycle 2015 only accepting requests for physical activity programs for children with special needs.
Equipment only maybe be included as part of the grant application

Rick Hansen Foundation
Quality of Life Grants to invest in accessibility solutions for people with disabilities
See website for most up to date grant deadlines

BC Tire Stewardship Grant
Funding for rubber surfacing
Application deadline is Dec 31, 2015

Let Them Be Kids
Volunteer organization
Building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks

Home Depot Canada Foundation
Particularly for youth in need

Explore Fund - The North Face
Grants up to $ 2,500.00
Matching funds viewed more favorably
Encourage Community Involvement and getting youth outdoors

Canada Post Community Fund
Programming Supporting healthy kids
Services for kids with special needs
Up to $ 50,000
Deadline April 18

BMO Employee Charitable Foundation
Employees raised a record $13.5 million in 2012 for local charities and United Ways across North-America.

Canada Dry - Let’s Play / Good Sports
Partners with Kaboom
$750 available from Canada Dry

Good Sports
Serve youth between the ages of 3-18 years old
Serve youth in an economically disadvantaged area
Located in North America (U.S. and Canada)
Operate an organized sport, recreational activity, or fitness program that offers consistent and structured opportunity for play to large groups of children

Farm Credit Canada
Enhance rural area projects where population is less than 150,000
Project must enhance the quality of life for people in at least one rural community
Award between $ 5,000 and $ 25,000

Walmart Evergreen Foundation
Funding for projects serving underserved communities
Grants up to $10,000 and maximum 50% total budget
Deadline is February 4

Mountain Equipment Co-op Access and Activity Grant
From $500 to $15,000
Supports outdoor activity organizations and clubs
Provide funding and product donations for initiatives an infrastructure projects that inspire and enable people to be active outside
Application deadline is March 10 (midnight pacific time) Spring/ September 10 for fall cycle

BC Hydro Grant
Grants for Community-based, non-profit organizations that are active in environmental sustainability, youth and lifestyles, and community leadership

Whistler Blackcomb Foundation
Grants for Community-based, non-profit organizations whose activities will provide benefit to the residents of the Sea to Sky Corridor
Grants Deadlines are October 01 and April 01 annually

Squamish Community Foundation
Grants for Registered charities that provide benefit to the residents of the Squamish.
Grants Deadlines are May 31st annually

iSwirl Representatives
Finally the rewards program that you’ve always wanted! iSwirl Technologies and The Gratitude Card is working with multiple local merchants to drive donations in your door without you having to ask for them. Many of your supporters shop with local merchants, especially the ones that give back to local charities. iSwirl Technologies tracks those sales and highlights those amazing merchants willing to show gratitude through charitable donations. The merchant only needs one thing to keep this swirl of gratitude happening–a sale. Direct your supporters and constituents to shop with iSwirl merchants and passive donations will come back to you.